Save the date! June 12th, 1:30-3:30 pm. There will be a program starting with a welcome from our executive director at 1:30 sharp. A detailed invite to follow soon. Spread the word to other professionals in the field who might not yet have had the chance to visit!
Read Our Client
Success Stories
I had no idea what to expect when going to a treatment center....”
A recent graduate of Vinland National Center's residential substance use disorder treatment center describes how Vinland was different for him.
— Jeremy
Case Study
Vinland had the focus on whole-body healing – physical, emotional, mental. I think that is really important. I get to help people by using the positive attitude.”
In 1988, Cole was on vacation with his wife when he was rushed to the hospital for a ruptured brain aneurysm. He was lucky to survive, but unfortunately the stroke caused permanent brain damage.
— Cole
Case Study
Vinland was able to address issues other than just chemical dependency. They worked with me on my brain injuries and PTSD issues. I was treated as a whole person.”
In 1995, Kerry was leaving a bar when he was hit on the head with a baseball bat. The injury resulted in a traumatic brain injury. He was diagnosed with an additional brain injury.
— Kerry
Case Study