Vinland wants to assure clients, their families and our referents and partners in the community that we are continuing our daily operations and clinical care. We will continue to serve those in need and have implemented the following safety precautions.
(Please click on the attached document, below, for detailed information.)
Update as of March 2020 – Vinland’s residential (only) program is currently not accepting female-identifying clients.
Having only 4 female clients in-house when MN’s state stay in place went into effect, we made the difficult decision to turn our women’s wing (8beds = 4 rooms) into an isolation/care ward for any current clients who may present as ill going forward. The good news is that we have 49 beds that are for male-identifying clients, and we are accepting new!
We look forward to returning this designated area into a female-identified wing as soon as we possibly can, but all depends on the course of COVID 19 in our state.
In addition, all staff and clients are required to wear masks, which Vinland provides, in all indoor areas.
We have also spaced chairs in group rooms and one-on-one sessions to be 6 ft apart, as well as when we stand in line for meals. We have posters up reminding clients & staff to wear their masks and wash their hands frequently and have hand sanitizing stations everywhere.
We do test for temperature upon admit for every new client, and employees are being very good about self-reporting any possible exposure. If exposure is suspected, we are requiring to self-isolate for two weeks, and several have thus far.
Vinland’s residential program ceased allowing visitors and/or outside passes immediately upon the state declared emergency, and this has served us well thus far.
As with every other program in the state, we are trying to do what is best for our current clients and staff in order to keep them safe and at the lowest risk possible of infection. We will update as soon as this changes!