At Vinland, we see an often co-occurring addiction of problem gambling with our clients, which is why we decided to start offering problem gambling treatment at our outpatient location in NE Minneapolis a couple of years ago.
When one has lost everything, as many with TBIs tend to: sense of self, identity, loved ones, jobs, independence – it’s easy to fall into going to the casino to escape this new reality – preferring to push buttons all day in hopes of a big win. Problem Gambling has the highest rate of suicide out of all addictions, so it’s not to be taken lightly. It’s also one of the least talked-about or understood addictions. That’s why the state of MN has made this treatment available at no cost for those Minnesotans who need it. Call 763.479.4881 to talk with our problem gambling folks at Vinland – it could be a lifesaver.
In support of furthering the understanding of this particular addiction, the MN Alliance of Problem Gambling puts on a wonderful conference annually that features presenters from across the country sharing their perspectives as clinicians, financial advisors, people in recovery, & researchers. It’s a great way to network with others committed to minimizing the harms caused by gambling disorder, & to learn more about recent trends and new tools available for those needing help.
Addiction counselors, therapists, law enforcement, school & church leaders, other health care & social service workers, lawyers, financial professionals, people in recovery & their families are all welcome at this one-day conference! Continuing Education Credits are available! $30 includes a hefty breakfast AND lunch, and those in recovery are FREE.
Attached is the MN APG 2023 Conference flyer with a QRC code for people to scan and register from their phones. Registration ends September 8th!…/2023-PG-Conf-flyer.pdf