In the spirit of the Holiday Season, we thought you would appreciate our sharing a few notes received just this week from past clients of Vinland. It certainly made our staff members’ hearts swell in gratitude…
“Thank you all so much for being my friend. It’s been a long time since I’ve had real friends that love and care for one another. Ones that show kindness and compassion, all wanting the same thing: to be free and live their lives the right way, and to help and be there for each other as much as we can. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing all of you come together to help one another, even if you think you did not do that much. Kindness and positivity go a long way to set the perfect environment for recovery. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.
I came here a broken man; so depressed that I wanted to die, even on anti-depression medication. Not seeing a future worth living. Thank you for giving me hope and showing me how to love and believe in myself and my future. Thank you for showing me there is still good in this world. This pen would run out of ink if I told you everything you helped me learn about myself and all of the little things you have done to help me get through the day. Just know that I will love you all and cherish every moment we had together and will never forget you all.
P.S. To my friends still at Vinland: the most important part to learn is how to calm yourself, no matter what. The key is mindfulness. Give yourself time to find your key. I have no doubt you will all succeed. Like a scary movie, at times we feel something is after us, chasing us, and we’re too shaken up to find our key- and the consequences could be severe if we don’t find that key. Learn to calm yourselves, my friends. Use your key to unlock your potential. I want to see you all succeed.
P.S.S. To the staff at Vinland: You are all doing wonderful work there. Thank you for being a light of hope in a dark world. You save people, families, and tormented souls. I think of you all as my angels. Thanks you for fighting for me.”
My First Sober Christmas outside of Vinland!
“Hi Tim!
Life marches on. It hasn’t gotten any simpler, but progress continues to be made. I still continue to watch people come and go. Some have gone so far that they will never make it back, if you know what I mean. For all I have a certain compassion, but at times, for some, I tend to feel less due to the opportunities afforded them and their actions in the face of these. Some are even very, very enabled by their families and friends.
I do, however, find balance in the consideration that for quite some time I was one of these people. Perhaps I should say that I still am. This being said, I find myself ever more willing to help those still suffering in whatever way I can. Though it has only been a brief 14 months (and never will be enough) my sponsor is suggesting that I begin to sponsor others. I somehow feel that I would tend to be something of a TaskMaster, but he and others feel that I would make a good sponsor. I do know that I still can’t afford to take anyone out for coffee.
I continue to proudly wear the remnants of my Vinland t-shirt. At times people recognize it, like at the YMCA or at the train station, and we share a few words about how Vinland helped us or someone in their family. I never want to be without that shirt Tim. I was hoping you would help me to obtain another extra-large Vinland t-shirt and one of Vinland’s 2018 pocket calendars. I still use both but both are rather worn and about to expire. I can send any cost plus shipping at any time.
My last Christmas was spent sober at Vinland, and I still have the gloves and socks I received – the first sober gift I had received in a long, long time. Once again and always, I thank all those at Vinland for their effort in helping this beat-up old soldier realize that he might just be worth the “trouble” of saving. I hope and pray that your efforts continue to bear abundant fruit.
A most blessed Christmas Season to all. May you and your loved ones be always safe.”
“Well, it’s that time of year again, and I am pleased to say I am/have continued to stay clean and sober! I am still going to AA meetings once a week and studying at home. The rest of my time is spent working at my three jobs. I host an AA meeting once per month, too.
I just want to keep in touch with Vinland and I hope that you can tell my story so that it helps someone else.
Thank you for all of the help and support throughout the years.
Sending you warm wishes for a very special Holiday Season,”