Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two brain injuries are exactly alike. The injury requires access to a full continuum of medically necessary treatment and community-based supports furnished by interdisciplinary teams of qualified and specialized clinicians working in accredited programs and appropriate settings.
“Since anyone can sustain a brain injury at any time, it is important for everyone to have access to comprehensive rehabilitation and ongoing disease management,” said Dr. Brent Masel, national medical director for the Brain Injury Association of America. “Doing so eases medical complications, permanent disability, family dysfunction, job loss, homelessness, impoverishment, suicide, and involvement with the criminal or juvenile justice system. Access to early, comprehensive treatment for brain injury also alleviates the burden of long term care that is transferred to tax payers at the federal, state and local levels.”
Brain Injury and Addiction
After sustaining a brain injury, many people experience devastating physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. People with brain injuries often struggle with depression, poor impulse control, and short-term memory problems, which are just a few of the reasons for the increased incidence of substance abuse among this population. Too often, people with brain injuries are not successful in conventional drug and alcohol treatment programs which do not accommodate their unique learning styles.
Vinland Makes a Difference
Since 1990, Vinland has been providing drug and alcohol treatment for adults with cognitive disabilities, including brain injuries. We strive to make all possible accommodations for cognitive deficits and individual learning styles. On average every year, 70 percent of our clients are individuals living with brain injuries.
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