News & Events

Resources for our Alumni

Resources for clients and alumni!

Vinland wanted to share some resources we found particularly exciting and potentially useful for our clients and alumni:

1.) Metro Bus offers a program is designed for people who would like to learn how to use the metro bus system. They offer a Mobility Training Center and Travel Guide who will personally show how the bus system works for FREE. There was a great community mobility specialist who does this for St. Cloud (Jerry Duckworth 320.258.6897) & said he could get you connected to the person for Hennepin County. He has actually gone to halfway houses & presented on the subject & would be willing to come present to other halfway houses. This gentleman has even partnered with clients once in sober housing for a week solid, helping them navigate what time they need to set their alarm in order to have enough time to catch the bus, catching it with them to their final destination & back, teaching them markers to look for, etc. Just an amazing free service we thought you should be aware of.

2.) VITALS – Aware Service is a FREE app safety service designed to help individuals with invisible/visible conditions and disabilities communicate their specialized needs in real-time with first responders. The client controls what info is available on this app (which is called a ‘beacon’ that can be attached to a key chain), from that they are frightened by /dislike police to even allowing the person to record a self play session to help calm themself down . Things important to include would be a photo, nicknames, diagnosis, medications, triggers (don’t touch me). A caregiver/therapist can sign up for and with the client in privacy of home/office session. The form should be filled out with the client when relaxed and NOT in crises mode. Once created, law enforcement cannot alter the info.

Police can then access this app within 80 feet of client, allowing temporary access to critical info (diagnosis, medications, emergency contacts, etc.) Thus far 1,069 transports have taken place to hospitals or other safe places instead of jails in the state of MN. If an organization wants to learn more about this – they will do a small group presentation for staff and/or clients.

3.) There will be a Veteran Job Fair March 21 11-1pm St. Cloud VA Auditorium.

(Bldg. 8) – All Veterans Welcome!

4.)Mid-MN Transition Coalition is offering a Resource Fair: Weds., April 17 11:30-3:00pm St. Cloud Great River Regional Library – Free! Open to Public! Vinland will be there, along with Nystrom & Assoc, Rise, Inc., Veterans Justice Programs, Pathways for Youth, Overcomers International Fellowship, Effective Living Ctr.  and more!

5.) 36th Annual Greater Mpls Intergroup of AA, AlAnon & Alateen is hosting Gratitude Night at the Mpls Convention Center, 1301 2nd Ave So., Mpls. Ballroom A – across from Dunn Bros. Sat., April 13, 6:30 – ? Speakers, DJ’s, Dancing

36th Annual Gratitude Night 2019