Average Day at Vinland Center
This schedule is an example of an average day. Vinland currently offers 5 separate group schedules in our residential program, so groups times will vary from this example.
Visiting Hours: Saturday and Sunday only – 12:30 to 4:30 PM. Visitors are not allowed at any other times unless approved by client’s counselor. Visitors are not allowed to bring alcohol, drugs, pets or weapons to Vinland.
Some additional information you may find helpful:
Telephone use – There are no cell phones allowed. If brought, clients will be required to hand them in for the duration of their treatment. We offer land lines that can be utilized during free time, and calls must be limited to 10 minutes or less.
Lights Out – 11pm Sunday – Thursday; Midnight on Friday & Saturday. Clients must be in the building at dusk (except for smoking areas).
8 AM | Therapeutic Exercise |
9 AM | Daily Recovery Skills |
10 AM | Group – Substance Use Disorder Topics |
Noon | LUNCH |
1 PM | Relapse Prevention |
2 PM | Group – Mental Health topics |
6 PM | |
7 PM | AA/NA Meeting in-house twice a week |