What types of insurance are accepted?
We accept consolidated treatment funds (CTF), pre-paid medical plans (PMAPS), most insurance plans and private pay clients.
Do I qualify for county funding?
Contact the County Social Service Department for the county where you currently reside. If you need help with this process, we can help. Call Admissions at (763) 479-3555.
How do I get a Substance Use Disorder or Problem Gambling Assessment?
Vinland’s Outpatient Services location in Minneapolis offers Comprehensive Substance Use Disorder and Problem Gambling Assessments that support placement, whether at Vinland or elsewhere. To schedule an appointment, to be held either in person or via telehealth, contact us Mon. – Fri. at 763.479.4881.
If you already have one, that assessment should then be faxed directly to our Admissions Team at 763.479.2605 or emailed to: Intake@vinlandcenter.org.
How long does the application process take?
For our Residential Treatment Program, it depends on a few things. We need the admissions forms to be completely filled out and submitted before we can schedule an intake date. If you need assistance, please call (763) 479-3555.
For Outpatient treatment, we do not require these forms. Instead, just call us at 763.479.3555 & ask for Outpatient Services to schedule an intake/assessment. Generally, we can admit someone to our Outpatient Program within 24 hours.
I don't have a brain injury. Can I still come to Vinland Center?
Yes. Our Substance Use Disorder programs were originally designed for individuals with brain injuries, but our approach has proven beneficial for people with a variety of cognitive impairments. This includes learning disabilities, FASD, mental illness, and more. We often have clients come to us without any neurodivergent issues due to the love of our more rural location and our therapeutic exercise program. Please contact Admissions for more information.
Please note: Our Outpatient Gambling Program is designed for all adults, regardless of cognitive issues.
Do I need a doctor referral?
No, you do not need a doctor referral. However, for RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT ONLY, you will need to complete our Medical Screening Form that includes a list of the medications you are (or are supposed to be) taking. This form is available on our website under Admission Forms. This needs to either be filled out by you, your referent, or over the phone with one of our admissions counselors, then emailed (Intake@vinlandcenter.org) or faxed to Vinland Center at 763.479.2605.
Can you recommend a detox center?
Local to the treatment center’s area, we utilize all of the below:
Gateway Recovery Center (Inver Grove Heights) – (833) 338-6980 or (651) 999-3537
Gateway Recovery Center (Brooklyn Park) – (833) 338-6980
Mission Care Detox (Plymouth) – (763) 559-1402
Fairview Riverside Detox (Mpls) – (612) 672-6600
Hennepin County Withdrawal Management
American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC)
1800 Chicago Avenue (Mpls) – (612) 879-3646Ramsey County Detox (St. Paul) – (651) 266-4008
Also -for immediate mental health crises needs:
Hennepin County Walk-in center – 1800 Chicago (Mpls)
Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Hennepin County Behavioral Health
612-879-3115 – No appointment requiredHennepin County Crisis residence – 1800 Chicago (Mpls)
ReEntry House Crisis Stabilization (REH)
612-540-5700 24/7, phone screening required before admittance
• 16-bed facility, 3-10 day stay -
What can I bring with me to treatment?
For Residential Treatment you should bring:
- Medications and any supplies for them
- Insurance or medical assistance card
- Clothes, including a good pair of shoes and jacket
- Workout apparel
- Hygiene products, electric razors are fine; cologne and straight razors will be kept in the staff office for you to use and return.
You can bring if you choose:
- 12-pack of soda pop and a few snacks as we do not have a pop machine. (Clients take weekly store runs.)
- Cigarettes, if you smoke. (NO VAPES nor e-cigarettes. Clients take weekly store runs.)
- Small stereo, with headphones, and the music of your choice
- Fishing pole or other hobby items that do not involve sharp objects such as knives
- Winter clothes such as waterproof shoes, gloves, hat and coat, so that you can participate in outdoor activities in the winter
- Pictures
- Your own pillow
- Cash for additional snacks or cigarettes
You may NOT bring:
- Cell phone, laptop, e-reader, camera or pager. (If you bring, these items will be kept in a safe.)
- Vapes/e-cigarettes
- Alcohol, including Listerine
- Drugs
- Guns or any type of weapon
- Nicotine gum or patches
- Motor vehicles including car, truck or motorcycle
- Energy drinks or protein powders
What amenities does Vinland provide?
At Vinland’s Residential Treatment Program, we provide:
- All meals, prepared professionally on-site
- Clients always have access to fruit, bread, milk, peanut butter & jelly, juice, coffee, and tea
- Access to fridges, toasters, and microwaves
- Washers and dryers with detergent
- Quilts, sheets and a pillow
- Towels
- Telephone (designated times)
- Television (designated times)
- Computers (designated times)
Can I enter the program if I have upcoming court dates?
Generally, clients are allowed to enter the Residential Treatment Program if they have upcoming court dates. We take into consideration the nature and severity of the charges. Some applicants may not be appropriate for our program. Please note: Due to our population, combined with the higher level of need of ISRs, our residential program is no longer able to work with clients on Intensive Supervised Released from prison or jail.
I am a loved one of someone attending treatment with you. Am I able to visit them?
Yes, but only during oour scheduled days/visiting hours, which are :
Saturday – 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Sunday – 12:30pm to 4:30pm
POLICY: Visitors to the program will be asked to only park in the lower parking lot. On the mornings of visitation, the upper parking lot will be roped off to insure parking in the lower lot. The purpose of this routing is to create one point of entry into the building. Clients and their visitors will be allowed to meet in the main lobby, outdoors, within the confines of the property limits, and in the dining room. The purpose of restricting the area of visitation is to allow clients that do not have visitors some privacy.
Upon entering the main lobby, visitors will be asked to sign in with your name, the client’s name you are visiting, and your arrival time. When the visitation is completed you will be asked to sign out at the time of departure.
Residents are allowed to have visits at all reasonable times from their personal physician, or advanced practice registered nurse, religious advisor, county case managers, parole and/or probation officers, and attorney. The participant’s case manager and/or the treatment director, approves these visits.
LIMITATIONS: Visitors are NOT allowed to bring pets, guns, weapons, alcohol and/or drugs. Individuals who appear to have been using alcohol and/or drugs will be asked to leave the premises including the grounds. Individuals who bring guns and/or weapons to Vinland will also be asked to leave the premises including the grounds.
We ask the concerned persons that visit clients in the program to abide by these ideas.
1). Please do not socialize in your vehicles.
2). Please bring any items that you would like to bring to the main entry for staff to go through and we will bring the items to the client